Apache Maid Mar 09

A side hike on the Bell Trail off FR 618 east of I-17
P3107344   APACHE MAID TRAIL P3107345   A climb of Apache Maid Mountain. We start from the 2m point on the Bell Trail. P3107346   Snack break at the gaugng station. Al Cornell instructs us on water purification. P3107349   The water level in Wet Beaver Creek is returning to normal after several weeks of runoff and snowmelt
P3107351 P3107418   The turnoff for Apache Maid. This is one of the new Westerners signs. P3107352   Our target, the top of Apache Maid Mountain P3107353
P3107354 P3107355   AT our feet, he first tiny flowers P3107356 P3107357
P3107359   Ready for the steep climb? P3107360 P3107361   Because our slope faces south, prickly pear abounds P3107362
P3107364 P3107366   The view from halfway up P3107367   Close up, spring is already underway P3107368
P3107369 P3107370 P3107372 P3107373
P3107374 P3107376   Looking back: the elite private high school at the mouth of the canyon P3107377 P3107378
P3107381   A distant view of San Francisco Peaks P3107382   On top of Apache Maid, and time for lunch. Multicolored lichen on the rocks P3107383 P3107384
P3107386 P3107387   Looking across to White Mesa P3107388 P3107389   Cows graze here
P3107390   Al explains fire starting techniques P3107391 P3107392   Use of a Fresnel-lens magnifier P3107393
P3107395 P3107399 P3107400 P3107402
P3107403   On the return, we shortcut down the steep front side of Apache Maid P3107405 P3107406 P3107408   Back on the trail
P3107409 P3107411 P3107412 P3107413
P3107414 P3107415 P3107416   What split this rock?